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Comprehensive Financial Counsel

We strive to develop long-term relationships with our clients so that we may assist them with the many financial decisions they must make in their lives.

Estate Planning

At Renaissance, our advisors have a high degree of competency in all facets of the estate planning process.

We spend the time necessary with our clients, and their families if that’s desired, to determine their specific goals and objectives for the future.  During this process our advisors suggest different alternatives for accomplishing our client’s intentions, write-up a detailed plan, and work with attorneys to draft the final documents.

Because we are involved with all aspects of client’s financial lives, we are able to offer comprehensive counsel that takes all those considerations into account.

Insurance Review

Proper insurance coverage is a key aspect to protecting our client’s assets.  Since Renaissance does not sell insurance or any other products, our advisors are able to provide an objective examination of our client’s existing policies to determine if they’re adequately covered.

After carefully assessing the amount of risk, we determine if there are substantial holes or excesses in coverage and that the required levels of insurance are provided in the most cost effective manner possible.

of Americans are extremely concerned about retirement finances
the amount an average couple retiring at age 65 can expect to spend on healthcare throughout retirement
of pre-retirees expect their standard of living to stay the same or increase during retirement

Statistics referenced from:, 2015 analysis performed by Fidelity’s Benefits Consulting Group, Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies 2014.

Retirement Planning

With the guidance of experienced advisors, our client’s assets are managed in a manner that aims to meet their individually determined retirement needs and goals.

We construct detailed cashflow analyses that assesses  if existing and future assets are sufficient to meet our client’s needs.  Our advisors then monitor the assets to ensure they are adequate to meet those expectations and the communicate with the client regarding how the plan is progressing.

Transaction-Based Counsel

Objective, personal, and trusted relationships are the foundation of the client-advisor dynamic at Renaissance. Clients regularly contact us for professional counsel regarding routine financial concerns such as real estate transactions, more complex business-related decisions, and life altering circumstances like divorce, deaths, and medical emergencies.

Whatever the circumstance, our advisors are ready to provide sound financial counsel and are more than willing to take the steps necessary to implement the advice that was given.

Charitable Giving

Philanthropy is a vital part of many of our client’s financial planning considerations and personal aspirations. Our advisors work closely with clients to determine their charitable objectives and preferences.  Once this is complete, we create a strategy that takes the client’s entire financial picture and all the appropriate tax considerations into account.

Tax Advice

At Renaissance, our clients have the distinct advantage of working with advisors that are specifically qualified and highly experienced in providing tax advice. With the knowledge of our client’s entire financial landscape, coupled with our advisor’s tax expertise, all financial counsel and investment decisions are made based upon a comprehensive understanding of all the aspects affected by our course of action.

College Tuition Planning

With the cost of college reaching previously unimaginable levels, properly planning for this expense is crucial.  Our advisors are experienced with the various methods of saving for college tuition and can determine the best strategy for our clients based upon their entire financial situation and tax considerations.